No sabe… Don’t know…

De qué le ha servido…
Aquel niño afable
de rostro carismático
mirada ingenua
ojos obstinados
coraza traslúcida
corazón amansado
… Y con todo
mantenerla a su lado.

De qué le ha servido
crecer en sentimientos
no menguar en el empeño
desterrar fantasmas
desacreditar miedos
… Y con todo
de apremiar su marcha. 

Cómo pedirle
que sienta
si girándose
no la encuentra.

Cómo rogarle 
que escuche
si al mirar
no la descubre.

Cómo explicarle 
que son cosas de mayores
si ha dejado la cincuentena
y su mente no le corresponde.

No comprende
Se besan los recuerdos
se acarician los deseos
se posee la distancia
la voz caricia la noche
la soledad sostiene el pecho.

Solo sabe
lo que ha visto
lo que le han contado
lo que ha sentido
que las circunstancias
el tiempo
y demás gérmenes naturales
le han arrebatado
dejándolo desamparado.

Alma desprotegida
deambulando desasistida
colilla sobre colilla
vaso tras vaso
enfrentada al presente
rememorando el pasado
el índice desafiando al cielo
esperando un pretérito
que sosiegue 
su espíritu desquiciado.


What good has it done him…
That affable child
with a charismatic face
naive look
stubborn eyes
translucent armour
tamed heart
… And yet
to keep her by his side.

What good has it done him
To grow in feelings
And not to wane in the endeavour
to banish ghosts
to discredit fears
… And yet
of pressing his departure. 

How to ask him
to feel
if turning around
he doesn’t find her.

How to beg her 
to listen
if by looking
he does not discover her.

How to explain to him 
that these are things for grown-ups
if he has left his fifties
and his mind doesn’t correspond to him.

He doesn’t understand
Memories kiss each other
desires caress each other
distance is possessed
the voice caresses the night
loneliness holds the breast.

He only knows
what he has seen
what he has been told
what he has felt
that which
that circumstances
and other natural germs
have taken away from him
leaving it helpless.

Unprotected soul
wandering helplessly
cigarette butt upon cigarette butt
glass after glass
facing the present
recalling the past
the index defying …


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